FLOW Sustainability & Environmental Policy

1. Policy Overview
FLOW is a digital-only business specialising in consultancy and marketing services. As an organisation committed to minimising our environmental footprint, we recognise that every operational decision can have an impact on the planet. This policy sets out our approach, practices, and commitments to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

2. Scope & Aims
Scope: This policy applies to all FLOW staff, contractors, and business activities.
Aim: To reduce our environmental impact, operate as sustainably as possible, and continually improve our environmental performance.

3. Key Principles & Commitments
Paperless Operations
We are a paperless organisation, relying on digital documentation and cloud-based file storage.
We encourage electronic signing of contracts and invoices to eliminate paper-based processes.

Remote Working
Our default working model is remote, reducing the need for commuting and lowering associated carbon emissions.
We provide staff with secure digital collaboration tools, minimising the need for physical office space and resources.

Low-Emission Travel
Wherever possible, staff use trains or other forms of public transport for business travel.
We have a dedicated Travel Green policy that prioritises rail, bus, or shared transport options over flights or private cars.
We promote a Cycle to Work scheme to encourage healthy, low-carbon commuting.

Emissions & Carbon Footprint
As a digital-only business, our direct operational emissions are minimal.
We are signed up to Ecologi and contribute to tree planting and carbon reduction projects worldwide.
We continuously seek to further reduce our indirect (Scope 3) emissions, for instance by using environmentally responsible technology providers and data centres.
We commit to exploring additional ways of reaching net zero through initiatives such as Business ClimateHub and Green Small Business.
We will also evaluate participation in further eco and carbon offset projects to ensure continuous improvement.

Resource Efficiency
We prioritise energy efficiency in all our processes, selecting equipment and services that meet high environmental standards.
We encourage staff to switch off devices and unplug chargers when not in use.
We reduce file sizes for all our data and client files (including advertising assets, emails, and websites) to ensure efficiency and reduce digital storage and energy usage.
Where possible, we source office supplies (for home-based offices) made from recycled or sustainable materials.

Continuous Improvement & Collaboration
We monitor our environmental performance and set targets to drive ongoing improvement.
We engage with stakeholders—clients, partners, and suppliers—to promote sustainable choices and minimise environmental impact across the supply chain.
We train and inform our staff on sustainability best practices, encouraging innovation and feedback.
We are actively investigating further net zero and eco projects to strengthen our commitments and reduce our impact even further.

4. Governance & Review
Responsibility: The Directors of FLOW are responsible for overseeing the implementation and performance of this policy.
Reporting & Review: We will review this policy annually to assess progress against objectives, ensure its continuing suitability, and identify areas for improvement.
Transparency: We strive to communicate our environmental commitments and performance openly, sharing relevant updates with stakeholders when available.

5. Summary
FLOW is committed to embedding sustainability into every aspect of our business. By prioritising remote work, minimising travel emissions, operating paper-free, reducing digital file sizes, and supporting tree planting and carbon reduction initiatives, we aim to reduce our environmental impact and set a positive example for our industry. Through ongoing review, collaboration, and investment in sustainable projects, we will continue to uphold these commitments and encourage responsible practices among our staff, partners, and clients alike.

Approved by:
Adam Howe, Daniel Doe, Mike Courtney, Directors, FLOW
Date: 1st July 2024